Classifying Quadrilaterals Free Geometry ACtivity
Are you looking for a fun and easy way for your students to practice identifying and classifying quadrilaterals? This free math center is perfect for 4th or 5th grades. It would also be great for 6th graders who need a review! Use the form below to get this in your inbox now.
This self-checking center activity lists attributes of a quadrilateral like parallel sides, congruence, and right angles to identify a figure.
Many types of figures are included:
- quadrilaterals
- kites
- parallelograms
- squares
- rectangles
- rhombus
Students make a match between a description of the attributes of the figure and the shape. When they flip the cards over, they can see if a match has been made.
The heart images make this activity perfect for Valentine’s Day or any time of the year!
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